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‘By their fruits shall you know them.’ Matthew 12:33

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Wrens - Reception

Wrens had a lovely time learning about Chinese New Year and joined in with some Lion Dancing and Paper Dragon Folding. They even got to try using chopsticks to eat some noodles! They practised writing a Chinese number line. 

This term we are looking at changing states of matter of water and ice and we had the opportunity to experiment and investigate ice. Jack Frost trapped some of our polar animals in the ice and we had to see what would melt the ice the quickest to free the animals!

Wrens Newsletter Spring 1

The Tiger Who Came to Tea - Another fantastic story that we've shared. In our class we share many stories and encourage a love of reading. Children share stories with the class teacher and with each other.

Goldilocks and the Three Bears - In Wrens we share many stories and have lots of fun retelling them and acting it out in various ways.
