Get Involved - Parents
Parent and Teacher Association
Parents are encouraged to contact their child's teacher via email or the Dojo Messenger system should they want to discuss an issue or ask any questions. Parents may also come into school to speak to a member of staff. It is very important to us as a school to ensure that channels of communication between home and school are open and that any issues are brought to us before they grow. We are very keen to hear your feedback so we can act on it.
From their admission into the Foundation Class, we hope that the children will share the work which they do in school with their parents and carers. Homework is part of this process, and from the outset, we expect parents and carers to hear their children read. Children are also offered a 'choice' book from the classroom or the library to share at home. As they progress through the school, the children will be given spellings to learn, and Literacy and Numeracy homework to complete, as well as Half Termly Topic homework which fosters creativity. We hope that all parents and carers will encourage and support their children in these activities.
Parents are invited into school to discuss their child's progress twice each year, during the Autumn and Spring Terms. An appointment system operates on each occasion which allows parents and staff adequate time for discussion. If evening appointments are inconvenient, then alternative arrangements may be made.