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‘By their fruits shall you know them.’ Matthew 7:20

Enabling children to flourish and succeed


​Nikki Scully-Crane.

Parent Governor.

Following on from a busy career as a Secondary School teacher of Psychology and Sociology, encompassing roles as Head of Department and Deputy Director of Sixth Form, I am now a Therapeutic Foster Carer with Nottingham County Council and full-time mum. This role encompasses parenting my youngest son - who attends Blackfordby St Margaret's, my eldest son who is at university, as well as the children we foster. Being a Governor means I have an opportunity to utilise my experience in, and enthusiasm for, education to contribute to the development and success of the school.

Susan Savage. 

Ex-Officio Governor. Headteacher.

I’ve been a teacher for over 20 years and the Headteacher at Albert Village Primary for over 10 of those. I have been the headteacher at Blackfordby for the last 5 years and absolutely love working across both schools. There is no better job in my eyes. I was born in Burton and have always lived locally, currently living in South Derbyshire. I’m a big football fan and love watching my grandsons and Derby County play! 

Andy Tipton.

Chair of Governors

I joined the Governing Body in 2018 and was made Vice Chairman in 2019. I am very much enjoying my role, utilising my skills in business and strategy to help the continuous improvement of the school my children attend.

Sally Hughes.

Foundation Governor.

I have been a foundation governor since 2010.  As foundation governors are appointed by the diocese, it has been an advantage to have such close links with both the school and church.  I have always enjoyed helping out where I can which is why I agreed to become a school governor and to help out at the Blackfordby Messy Church sessions. I have three children, my eldest is at secondary school and the younger two are still at Blackfordby.

Richard Brawn.
Foundation Governor.

I joined the governor team in 2018 and am enjoying my role. I am a University Lecturer, living in Blackfordby.

Ann Thorneycroft.

Foundation Governor.

I am a retired primary school teacher and served as the Special Educational Needs Coordinator for my school. I have a granddaughter who attends St. Margaret's school. I am willing to serve in any capacity where my experience will be of use to the children. 

Zoe Horne - Staff Governor
